Friday, July 18, 2008

Typhoon season

A typhoon is coming either tomorrow or Sunday apparently. That means it is once again extremely extremely humid and rainy. I don't know why I even bother getting ready in the morning as by the time I get to work I look like I just rolled out of bed with last night's make up on. Then I have to run down to a drug store in the basement and pretend to shop while I use their makeup (Japanese mascara and eyeliner is the BEST FYI-coming from a true makeup junkie).

Speaking of shopping in drug stores, I would like to take this moment to discuss my HATRED for pantyhose. I didn't think it was possible to despise an article of clothing so much. Not only do they make it even more miserable in hot, humid weather, but they are awkward and uncomfortable at times. But the WORST part is that I have to replace them about every three days. I have tried both 100 yen nylons (waste of time/money as they rip before they are even on my legs) and expensive nylons which are still in shreds by the 3rd or 4th day..if I'm even lucky to make it that far. I have one pair left and above my knees they look like a wild wolf attacked me they are so messed up, yet I am SICK of buying new ones so it is my goal to make them last as long as possible. I swear that half my paycheck funds these evil things (the other half goes to the coffee in the vending machines down the hall from work). I wear nylons because I HAVE to. It's part of my strict dress code. But what I don't understand is why people CHOOSE to wear them (especially in weather like this)! I have students and also see strangers on the street wearing nylons under shorts. WHY would you choose to torture yourself like that??? It doesn't even look good (and might I add it is still obvious if you haven't shaved your legs-so that excuse doesn't apply). In this season, all I want to be wearing is...a bathing suit. Maybe a sundress. That's it, tops. Unfortunately, I am condemned to spending 96% of my summer in wool-based suits and nylons. Thank goodness for air conditioning and underground walkways that are temperature controlled.


Laura, Ella, and a Pair of Toms said...

Wow...that sucks so bad. Your weather sounds like ours! 90 degrees....about a billion percent humidity....bbbllllaaahhhh....melting away to practically nothing but a puddle of Laura! :) haha!

Maryanne said...

Here's to the hope that you'll be able to find light-weight fabric slacks with the extra money we sent---WITHOUT pantyhose!
Love, Mom

Fru Johannesson said...

i was wearing pantyhouse to work for a while but i got a run practically EVERY day. i gave up after the third trip or so to target...