Thursday, July 3, 2008


(not really)

My friend who doesn't work for my company texted me today saying "Are you aware your picture is in an advertisement?" A while back my work asked me to "model" for advertising. They took pictures of me at least four times. Twice-it was professional and I was prepared (aka I made sure I did my hair that morning and wore a cute outfit) the other two times, I was not prepared (aka I looked like crap). There is an advertisement in the 3rd elevator in our building, so I went outside to check and see if they had changed it. After waiting for the other two to come up, the third elevator finally did. Sure enough, a huge blown up picture of me fake teaching is the new advertisement for the region. And of course they selected the picture from the "unprepared" pictures. Of course. Oh well, what can you do? I'm FAMOUSSSSSSSS. Hahaha. Since I have a big ego I will probably take a picture of it at some pt and post it (a picture of a picture of myself-now that is an ego). ;) OK, all joking aside, I'm actually almost a little embarrassed to have my face all over Kyushu (like the entire bottom region of Japan) in elevators and train stations and so forth...

My review went well. I rock as a teacher (see ego). No, but seriously, it went fine. I love my last two classes and there is a lot of good energy so it wasn't very difficult. Just some very minor things went wrong that of course never happen when no one is watching me. Nothing to fret about. Can't wait until Monday is over and I am hopefully DONE with this "you're new" biz.

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