Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Conspiracy Theory

You all seem so interested in my old man student, so I thought I would share his most remarkable moment yet.

He is obsessed with this NY Times editor he met a while ago on a plane. He told me in our 1st lesson that she hasn't been emailing him back for the past year even though he emails her all the time. Today he brought in her last email-sent June 2007- and had a rough draft of another email he wanted to send her. That was when I thought, oh great I am helping him stalk this poor woman. Anyway I corrected his random email that mentioned random things like what kinds of vegetables he is growing in his garden. Then, he told me he was pretty sure why she hasn't responded in so long. Apparently during the last US election, when Bush won, he sat in his house in Japan and cried out "I HATE BUSH!" He has now realized that the FBI or CIA must have been eavesdropping on him, and therefore intersected his emails with this NY Times editor, ESPECIALLY since the NY Times is known to be a more liberal paper. That has to be the reason, right? He was totally being serious. Then he spit up all over his shirt. Kind of like a baby.

I spent the rest of the lesson trying to keep a straight face while imagining blogging about this, and staring at the huge spit stain on his shirt in disdain.

I am not sure if he will be able to top this.

1 comment:

Fru Johannesson said...

OMG i laughed out loud for real. that is too random/funny. maybe the ny times editor is busy at work? hehe