Tuesday, February 24, 2009

You know you're slowly becoming Japanese...

when you are constantly craving particular bento boxes (salmon+ rice + sweet potato + various pickled things mmm) and onigiri (rice balls) every day. AND you are now considering making your very own for lunch. AND AND you are considering buying one of those cute, tiny bento boxes with bright colors and a picture of a dancing panda on it to put your home made bento lunch in AND your very own cutesy-matchy chopsticks AND a matchy furoshiki (cloth to wrap the box in) AND, AND, AND... HM. But don't despair. I still don't walk around everywhere squeeling, "KAWAII!!!!!!" (cute) at everything I see. So therefore, I clearly have not fallen over to the dark side of super trendy obnoxious Japanese girls who put tease their hair into beehives and wear shorts in the snow to be fashionable... yet...

You know I am starting to wonder what my reverse culture shock will be like when I do finally return home...


And maybe I am a little late seeing this, but here is a completely unrelated, hilarious, inappropriate video for you to watch: