Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Sapporo (Hokkaido)

Yeah, I'm way too tired to tell you about it. I'll let my pictures speak for themselves.

However 4 points to make:

1. I want to go back!
2. I got the best snowboarding package EVER! Round trip transportation to a great mountain/all day lift ticket/all day rental for 5,400 yen (around 60 dollars). You can't beat that! I was surprised since everything else in Japan seems to cost more than the States.
3. I am clearly not cut out to live in the snow. It was fun for a while, but after almost slipping and killing myself 9897987979 times just walking somewhere got old reeeeeallly fast (although I never actually did fall thank goodness). It was still pretty though =).
4. After eating the seafood/sushi there I may be ruined for life, as it was really THAT good. Usually when Japanese people go on and on about regional "famous" food I roll my eyes. Well they weren't bluffing about Hokkaido's seafood (as well as everything else that lovely region has to offer)!!

Email me if you want more details. 'Cuz I do have more believe it or not...

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