Tuesday, March 3, 2009

All good things must come to an end

Well only a good thing for me that is. In less than one month the yen has dropped 10 yen, and is now at 99 yen to the dollar, so pretty much equal. When I arrived it was 105...but in these past recent months it has been high at 89 to the dollar, making my bills back home discounted.......but now alas that is over and Japan is also attending the downfall of the economy. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it gets worse as in January it was reported that Japanese export rates dropped 46% (!!!!!!!). So we aren't doing so hot over here either. The economy is a global problem...maybe we can all become homeless due to bankruptcy and foreclosure, and resort to being a caveman world again using shells as currency.

Oh...and my permanent straightening is wearing off too. =( Time for an appointment!

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