The "kitchen" then leads to the toilet area. You actually wash your hands above the toilet.The toilet area leads to my tub/shower room. You must turn the lever below the hot/cold knobs on the sink to the left to make the water come out of the shower head. Be careful and make sure you turn it back if you wish to only use the sink, otherwise you will have an unexpected I have a few times.Birds eye view from the loft of my main area. See all that space I have to the left?? I need some living furniture....Another angle shot of my room. Table/closet/mirror...
The actual loft where I sleep. It isn't as claustrophobic as it looks. And that is coming from a major claustrophobe.This would be the lovely view of a parking lot from my balcony.
This is where I hang my clothing to dry on my balcony like I am in the 1800s.
So yep, that is where I live =) It's in a very nice/convenient part of the city too. I hope this shows it is actually a decent size for one person. No more than one though. It is definitely enough for me though. One thing I forgot to point out was my cool "security camera peep hole" that I am so excited about for who knows what reason haha. When someone rings my doorbell, the little monitor flashes on and I can talk to them/interrogate them/observe them until I decide whether or not they are worthy of me opening the door, ha!
Here are some pictures I took today that I don't feel like including in an album:
A car dealership. Ok? You ask. It's on the 6th floor of the mall. Yeah, I am not sure how that works either, but there are a bunch of dealerships on that floor!!
I just love finding little treasures like this. This is in a small shop in "Tenjin Core" which is this MASSIVE shopping mall that is seizure inducing due to too many bright colors/lights/loud music/people everywhere you turn. It's a bit overwhelming even browsing for things over there... Oh and if you cannot read the bottom (it's the best part) it says "Everyrhing masic." Just makes my day really.... =)
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