Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obstacle Course

Sometimes when I am going through the train station (usually in a mad dash to catch my train) I feel like I am going through an obstacle course made out of stupid, unobservant people. People will just dart in front of me and then STOP, making me have to swerve around them, and even then sometimes they will somehow magically continue to block my path. In front of the ticket gates people just stop and stare at the times blocking the gates. And then, while running up the (extremely steep and never ending) stairs to the actual train people take their dear sweet time going up, keeping that darn path blocked!

Dealing with this on almost a day to day basis has made me think I should invent a role playing video game. The mission is to catch your Japanese train. I envision it to be kind of like frogger. EXCEPT that sounds kind of boring huh? So maybe it should also be a little like Grand Theft Auto or something, and you can carry a *machine gun or other weapon of choice and take people out while you go. I know, it sounds violent and disturbing and you would never let your child play it, I am sure. But I think it has some potential =)

Yeah, these are the thoughts that go on in my head when I have to deal with things like this too often.

*But no, I don't actually fantasize about killing Japanese people.


Laura, Ella, and a Pair of Toms said...

Haha! That is so funny! I was just telling Tom the other day that DRIVING in St. Maarten is like driving on an obstacle course - or like one of those medeival Gauntlet thingies. You have to dodge tourists who don't know where they're going, stray dogs and cats, locals who just dart in the middle of the road, cars that just back up into the middle of the road without warning, etc. It is quite the adventure! HAhaha! :) good luck!!

Anonymous said...

This happens everywhere. Murphy's Law says the sooner you need to be somewhere, fate puts more people, cars, etc. in your way.

Furthermore, if driving to the destination, every traffic light you meet will be red.