Sunday, May 11, 2008

Me Rambling

Because apparently I don't understand that when I stay up until late hours of the night, I am tired the next day at work.

Random things I like about Japan so far in no particular order (there are more than these):
No tipping.
People are polite.
Baths. I know they exist in the states, but there is something about taking a bath in Japan that is cooler.
The economy doesn't suck here (well at least I think, as I am not an expert on Japanese economics). OK, just to be safe and prevent a debate, I'll rephrase: the economy doesn't suck here as much as in the states.
Almost anything, anywhere is amusing in some way.
There is brail on the corners of streets which I have discovered make a great foot massager when you rock back and forth on it while waiting to cross after a long day of standing in heels.
Speaking of massages, you can hang out in an electronic store for a long time in the massage chair.

Random things I don't like about Japan so far in no particular order (there are more than these):
People staring at me like I just landed in a space ship.
The fact everyone seems to think tissues are the same as napkins. Or that napkins are not necessary at all.
Everyone being shocked and amazed that I have eaten Japanese food before coming to Japan, and "can use chopsticks so well!!" -rolls eyes-
The no trash can thing is still really annoying. Unless you have a can or bottle, then you are fine.
The fact no one here apparently ever needs to hydrate themselves as everyone uses glasses the size of dixie cups, and sips their water or soda like it is sake.
Everything is a carb or covered in mayo. Or if it is decently healthy, expensive.
Oh don't even get me started with the mayo actually.
They put corn all over any decent looking pizza or pasta. WHY?
Sorting my trash. Maybe I am lazy. I don't care. And by the way I find it interesting that this is insanely important, yet no one cares that people let their dogs poop all over the freaking roads (probably because there are no trash cans to throw it away in though--last time I checked poop isn't recyclable).
Anything that is cute and purchasable in the states is 3x as expensive here...which is a problem since I prefer my stuff cute.

OK, I know this seems depressing as my "things I don't like" list is much longer than the positive things, but trust me there are lots of other things I DO like here (in fact focus in on the "everything is amusing" vague bit-that alone could net a list of 10 trillion things I like here) I am just a tad brain dead and in kind of a "I wish I could eat pizza that isn't covered in corn or maybe carnitas or maybe an Italian cold cut sub on bread that is not loaded with sugar" mood. At times, after work I find myself wandering the grocery store like a zombie in search of something that will satisfy these cravings. I usually wind up with ramen or rice or chicken covered in mayo. Sigh.

Oh and did I mention I am addicted to catching up with the Sopranos? I know I am a tad behind on that one, but I can't help it!!! (Although I blame it for me craving the Italian subs and pizza/pasta that isn't covered in corn).


Laura, Ella, and a Pair of Toms said...

Yes, I definately know what you mean about food cravings and expensive food/misc. items. The one thing I would give for is a Walmart...then a fast food place that ISNT McDonalds...then an American chain restaurant like Applebees or something! I also wish things weren't so expensive, like diapers are over TWICE as much as they are in the States...sometimes it makes me want to cry! hahaha!!! :) Good luck though! It's funny that we're literally on opposite sides of the world and are still missing the same things :)

Geoff said...

Stop rambling....get enough sleep!
