Sunday, May 18, 2008

Beach Festival

Yesterday, I went with friends to the beach festival on Nokonoshima Island, which is a quick ferry ride away from Fukuoka. However, we missed the ferry both ways and had to pay for a private boat. Oh well =) The island kind of surprised me because it looked so tropical, and TOTALLY looked like a beach I went to in Puerto Vallarta several years ago. It was a great day away from the city, laying out in the sun, drinking, and dancing. I met a lot of other foreigners, but most were from Nigeria or Guam, etc. So it was definitely an interesting mix. I also met lots of cool Japanese girls. However, some of the Japanese people there bemused me in their high heels in at the beach, etc. These people won the prize though (you can't see it but they were also wearing red crocs):
Then, after a long day of this, I went home around 9pm, bought food, spilled terryaki all over my keyboard, and now it is sticky even though I have cleaned it about 10 trillion times. Might I also mention my camera randomly spazzed and stopped taking pictures for a while? Now it is fine though. That camera likes to trick me.

*Note-we got SOOO lucky. It was sunny and warm all day/night. Now it is 2pm Monday and raining buckets.


Anonymous said...

I am only writing this to see if mom and dad read it since they like stalking you : )

and then they brag to me about the new things you tell them as if you dont talk to me too hahhaa

oh them... so silly.

Maryanne said...

Love the "hazmat" suits---where can I buy one?