Thursday, June 5, 2008

Something about me has changed

I used to always wonder why it was so hard for people to keep in touch (slow at writing letters, not returning phone calls, really late at uploading pictures, etc etc). I was always the "you send me a msg I get back to you ASAP" kinda person. But now I completely understand the people I questioned above. I don't know if it is Japan or just the fact my brain is on overdrive to the millionth power, but bottom line---I know I know, I suck at keeping in touch with back home! I have been incredibly lazy about uploading pictures, returning emails, talking on skype, and even updating this here blog. This is not a promise to change because, lol, I doubt it will anytime soon, but a humble excuse/apology for becoming someone like above. The reason I don't see myself changing anytime soon is I can't do too many things at once. I decided it has come to the point where I must choose to update this all the time, be prompt in communicating, etc etc OR remain #2 in sales for Kyushu (being #1 is impossible so I am quite thrilled at 2), prepare lessons, teach 30 classes a week, interview new students, attend seminars/more training, random job related activities, go shopping for nylons every other day, have a million self study counsellings, have educational counsellings, do follow up work with the self study til 10 pm or later every night, fill out mindless (and sometimes useless) paperwork, and talk A LOT. I am choosing the job for now (and yes, in case you were wondering, I often do everything/more I listed in 1 day--not 30 classes though haha). Maybe after June when this self study business has died down a tad* I will be a bit better and maybe even have an exciting story for you, but until then, sorry =/...but surprisingly even though the above sounds like a vent, I actually don't really mind any of it. Somehow I manage I guess? It's hard to explain, but I think there is a big difference between taking a vacation to a foreign country and LIVING (cough working full time) in one. After a while, you get into a routine's basically just like a routine you would have back home but instead with a difficult language and often times baffling culture =). I'm hoping after June when I get my first actual full paycheck, I will finally be able to start doing a bit of short weekend trips and such. But until then I am swamped. I am having a pretty good time though so don't worry---I just definitely live for the weekends =) But if you find yourself missing me or wondering why I responded to someone else's wall post but not yours, etc etc I assure you I am not choosing favorites....once again I have just become "one of THOSE people." But--on my weeknights 7amish-9amish your time seems to be my "be as lazy and useless as possible for a few hours on the internet" time so let's talk! (Probably typing talking though as I am also normally catching up on my much missed American TV and obviously can't skype at the same time). Love and miss you all and even though I suck please keep emailing and loving me =)

OOOOH but on another irrelevant note, I finally learned the kanjii for my train station/area of residence-Yoshizuka (romanized). Yoshi means lucky and zuka is actually tsuka (or something like that) changed for whatever reason and that means tomb. So I live in Lucky Tomb. Yay. Haha. I am wayy too lazy (see above reasons) to find the kanjii and post it on here, but in case you don't know, kanjii is one of the 3 alphabets of Japanese and is a symbolic alphabet (the other 2 are phonetic--do you know any other language with 3 writing systems??? All mixed together in one sentence???)-so it is kind of interesting now that I know the meaning, since "zuka" or "tsuka-whatever" kind of looks like a cemetery. Even though I know it can't be meant THAT literally as I see a "cross gravestone" in the picture and I don't think Christianity has much to do with Japanese, but WHATEVER I FINALLY AM ABSORBING SOMETHING!! --clearly the highlight of my week. The end.


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