Tuesday, December 9, 2008


My friend lent me the book over here. I know it is a very popular book series in the US right now, and that the movie just came out, so I really wanted to see what the hype is about.

First and foremost-who the hell was in charge of editing this book?? Ok, now on to my actual thoughts on what was published...
Well...I can just say that at page 334, CHAPTER SIXTEEN (!), I do not understand the hype at all. I feel that the writing is very cheesy and one huge cliche tangled in itself. It's like, I can see exactly what the author is trying to do with this book, but it just isn't working for me. In fact, the writing style kind of reminds me of my junior high days when I would write stories in my journals. I love reading, and have read many different kinds of books. Some very intellectual, and then others that aren't-most of which I deem my "guilty pleasure" kinds of books. But I can't even really consider this a guilty pleasure book at this moment, because my guilty pleasure books are at least entertaining!

I never have a problem putting this book down. In fact, it had been lying in a corner slightly disheveled for the past three days until I just went to check what page I was on. Maybe I would care and be more invested in the story, if there was an actual story by page 334! I am 70% finished with the book! I mean, I feel like I have had to suffer through about the past 300 pages of one long, never ending description of a play by play (and by that I mean from what she ate for breakfast to what her English teacher assigned as homework to how she brushed her teeth at night) description of Bella's boring uneventful days that had nothing to do with the plot at all, or description of them cuddling together, or Bella thinking how perfect Edward is, or Bella throwing a temper tantrum for no reason, or the four combined in some fashion. Not to mention, the protagonist is extremely unlikeable. I am really disappointed in that, because at first the author tries to play her off as this "misunderstood" clumsy (but of course overdoes the clumsy bit 300% to the point you go--there is no way anyone, not even a fictional character in a lame book can be that clumsy!) teenage girl who doesn't know who she is, and who doesn't see her true beauty--someone I totally thought I could relate to in some ways--too bad she is really just a whiny,boring, unambitious, stubborn brat who never shuts up or stops throwing useless temper tantrums (that then make me roll my eyes and toss the book back into the corner). Oh, and did I mention that her name is *Bella Swan??? How...melodrama (please see my first paragraph on the writing).
*In case you don't speak Italian, Bella=beautiful

I'm sure you are going--why don't you just stop reading it if you don't like it? Unfortunately, I have this weird thing that once I start a book, I have to finish it. Even if it takes me two years, and many other (much better) books in between, I always finish. So I will persevere through this, but just had to rant about this--I just don't really get why so many people adore this? And no, I do not think I will be continuing the series--especially since I have been told the main character gets even MORE whiny and annoying as they go on--how is that possible??

*Also I would like to apologize if I have offended any hardcore Twilight fans. I am not trying to insult your taste. Obviously, everyone has different things they look for in books. To each his own.


Laura, Ella, and a Pair of Toms said...

I know what you mean. It's one fo those books that you read just because its an easy read and slightly entertaining. It isn't enlightening or even really that interesting, but its super easy and a quick read. I agree....Bella needs to be punched in the face. :)

Lauren said...

I felt the same way about finishing a book until I read the Readers Bill of Rights in Daniel Pennac's Better than Life:

* The right not to read
* The right to skip pages
* The right to not finish
* The right to reread
* The right to read anything
* The right to escapism
* The right to read anywhere
* The right to browse
* The right to read out loud
* The right to not defend your taste

That third one has saved me a lot of time and frustration...there are too many worthwhile things to be read out there! Put that tripe down! Throw it out the window and let it crush some j-boys wacky spikey hair that looks dumb!

Fru Johannesson said...

I read the first two books. The second book is MUCH better, but Bella is still annoying in that book. I feel the same way about the writing style. For me, I like to discover things through a (natural) narrative or action, but the first book is like constant Q and A. Like, are you a vampire? Yes. Can you stand in the sun? No. It's so boring like that! The author explains everything through Q and A between Bella and Edward instead of letting the reader discover it through an interesting narrative. Ok sorry to take over, but I had to rant also!